What is
Resonance Image

Is music your passion but not your profession? Do you dream of performing live to a thunderous round of applause? Resonance wishes to give you the chance to live your dreams. The stage is calling you.

Idea and Concept We all have some or the other hobbies and sometimes it turns into our passion. However it is not possible for everyone to convert it into a full-fledged career. Reasons could be many. Then as time goes on we are so much busy in fulfilling the demands of our professional and personal life that our passion takes a back seat. This happens to many of us and I'm not an exception. When I appeared for my 'Sangeet Visharad' in Indian classical vocals, I was asked whether I want to continue with music as my career. It was a tough decision for me as I was equally passionate about both music and medicine. At that crossroad I chose medicine as my career. I graduated in medicine and later chose Gynaecology as my specialization. Read more >>

Seeing the happy faces after the birth of the baby is
your reward when you are a gynaecologist. Then I chased the dream of becoming an expert in the infertility treatments and got totally occupied to think about my music for long 25 years. Though I kept listening to music and also singing whenever I got a chance. Suddenly, one day, a thought rushed my mind that there could be many souls like me who are passionate about music but are in different profession. It is then, that I thought of creating an open platform for the music crazy people like me where they can exhibit their talent and live their dream of singing and 'resonance' was born.
'Resonance' is for every individual passionate about music but unable to pursue it as a career. It is an open platform for music, where anyone from any profession can come and exhibit their talent of singing. You will sing with a live orchestra. Everytime the theme of resonance will be different.
As we want more and more people to connect with music we would be streaming this live on Facebook so that friends and families from across the globe can watch and enjoy the shows.

  • Resonance would be open to public. The entry for the audience would be against the donation passes of minimum fixed amount. However, the audience can willingly donate the amount of his/her choice to Resonance, either by cash, cheque or money transfer.
  • The money collected through this performance would be donated to any organisation working in the field of medicine,education or music.

Resonance is my tribute to my parents because of whom, I'm, what I'm today. They took efforts and helped me develop equal interest in art, literature and science. They taught me that leisure is equally important as work, and it is absolutely essential to follow our passions in life.